Sunday 12 February 2012

Gretchen Peters--Hello Cruel World

We all listen to music in different ways.  As a guitar player I listen to the melody, the chords and other musical intonations where as others start with the words.  Lyrics have never been a big thing for me, I often laugh at some of the ridiculous lyrics that accompany the best tunes ever.  Every so often, I hear something and instead of the music bowling me over the words get inside me and start their own dance. Gretchen Peters--Hello Cruel World is just such an album and already on the list of best albums of this year (2012).

I have thought long and hard about how to write about this album. I thought about describing the textures that the lyrics provide which juxtapose the excellent melodies. I thought about describing the urgency and nature of the 'from the gut' lyrics. I thought about describing Gretchen Peter's voice that at times seems almost surreal.... I could go on about all manner of things that elevate this record from the banal to the superb but nothing I can think of would do this record justice.

So in sum, LISTEN TO THIS RECORD!  Ideally through good headphones, without children nearby, in a quiet room, with a glass of wine in one hand... You will not regret it.

Update in 2014 two years on an this is still on the iPod and it is an album you do not tire of.